Here for Life/Free for Life

The I AM ABLE Center has partnered with Chicago CRED to introduce a one of a kind

violence prevention program for youth between the ages of 13 and 17. 

Our Mission is to increase the lifespan and quality of life for youth by reducing the risk

of violence-related behavior using a relational, comprehensive, trauma-informed approach. 


I AM ABLE is committed to helping young men and women live positive and productive lives while creating sustainable change, one neighborhood at a time. 


Our vision is to provide and expose participants and their families to new, positive life experiences and opportunities, as well as equipping them with self-regulation skills that assist them in positively navigating their way through life's challenges.  They will be able to make healthy decisions and safe choices to prevent loss of life, while optimizing their life path.

From our family systems, trauma-informed, strengths-based approach, ABLE's specialized clinical treatment of youth and their families will seek to minimize the adverse impact of complex trauma. As families are supported to overcome presenting issues and make behavioral changes, it is our hope that the trajectory of their lives will be positively transformed for a lifetime.

Our Model:
- Exposure to resources, activities, and opportunities that elevate their thinking patterns and life possibilities,
  while motivating and challenging them to change.
- Emphasizing the value of academic engagement/success and life-long learning.
- Providing financial literacy and the development of a meaningful and legal work ethic.
- Rebuilding the family structure through our family systems approach.
- Developing core partnerships, linkages, and resources that help alleviate stress and distress on the family system.
- Reinforcing and celebrating every step towards wellness.

Services Provided:
- Mental Wellness: Individual and Family Therapy
- Medical Wellness
- Life Coaching
- Case Management
- Educational and Court Advocacy
- Structured Programming and Exposure Activities

Target population:

Our identified target population focuses on youth between the ages of 13-17, who have been identified as being at the
  highest risk of being a victim and/or perpetrator of gun violence. Some 12- and 18-year olds will be considered based
  on their birthdate and other potential guidelines.

Eligibility Criteria:
Participant must meet ALL of the following criteria
​ 1. Be between the age of 13-17 (some 12- and 18-year olds will be considered based on their birthdate)
​ 2. Have parent/guardian consent for participation.
3. Express willingness and motivation to participate.
4. Be at the highest risk of being a victim and/or perpetrator of gun violence due to at least 3 of the following reasons:
-History of violent victimization
-Access to/possession of a weapon
-Exposure to violence
-Gang affiliation/involvement
-Live in high crime neighborhood
-Legal/justice involvement
-History of trauma/mental health issues
-Low commitment to school and/or school failure (e.g. chronic truancy, multiple suspensions, expulsion, no enrollment)
-Low parental involvement and/or parental substance abuse/criminality
  -Be confirmed from the referral source that he/she is of highest risk based on Number 4.