Katlynn manages our team of highly skilled and professional therapist.
Jerome manages the security, cleanliness, and overall presentation of the properties.
I AM ABLE values:
Dr. Vessel manages the vision and resources to lead the agency in reaching our fullest potential as servant leaders.
It takes a team of dedicated managers to assist our CEO in running the agency efficiently and providing trauma-informed services that empower individuals, children, and families to achieve mental wellness and stability. We're fortunate to have some of the best dedicating their time, energy, and expertise to our mission.
I AM ABLE's mission is to provide comprehensive mental health and wellness services to individuals and families through the spirit of inclusion and the love of Jesus Christ.
I AM ABLE is a not-for-profit 501©3 tax-exempt organization that has served the communities in the Chicagoland and surrounding areas for nearly three decades.
We were founded and incorporated from a strengths-based perspective due to overwhelming challenges and disparities faced by African American and Latino families who are plagued by substance abuse, family violence, marital breakup, family dysfunction, adverse system issues, and child welfare involvement. Led by Dr. Carolyn L. Vessel, CEO/President, our organization continues to implement cutting-edge strategies to serve our families and community.
Principle offices are located at 3410 and 3408 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago Illinois 60624.
Tracie manages our ever-important relationships within the community.
Sherneron Hilliard - Director
Vice-President of Early Childhood and Programs, Family Focus
Kaye Wilson - Director
Consultant, Kaye Wilson, Inc.
Dr. Reshorna Fitzpatrick - Director
Pastor, Proceeding Word Church
I AM ABLE is committed to creating opportunities where every person is empowered to become a meaningful, stabilizing force in the community. Guided by our faith, ABLE invests in human potential that builds strong, caring, and vibrant families.
Debra Wesley - Chair
President, Sinai Community Institute
Executive Vice-President, Sinai Health System
Brenda Palms-Barber - Vice-Chair
Executive Director, North Lawndale Employment Network
Vincent Osaghae - Treasurer
Owner, Osaghae & Associates
Jeff Liesendahl - Emeritis Director
Previous Chair
Retired Businessman
Dr. Katherine Campbell - Fundraising Chair
School Psychologist, Wright College
Shirley Vessel - Retired - City of Chicago
Clay B. Wortham - Advisory Board Member, Owner, Wortham, LLP
Lisa Kenner - Co=Director of Programs and Partnerships, ConTextos
We Value all Human Beings...Every human has value and must be valued, which is demonstrated by ensuring they receive the best care and services available.
We Love all People…Ensuring that all who are touched by ABLE staff, programs and locations experience God’s love.
We Believe in Healthy Families...Every principle and value promoted is designed to produce health and wellness for the family, with an emphasis on children.
We Value Diversity...We appreciate the benefits of diversity by role modeling it in our multicultural/bilingual environment, hiring practices and the communities we serve.
We Value Integrity...It is required that each staff person, board member and volunteer demonstrate ethical conduct in every arena of our lives.
We Value Stewardship...We are transparent in all of our actions as stewards of the resources entrusted to us by donors and funders, as well as the individuals and families we serve.
We Value individuals and families we serve.
We Value Dedication...We serve those who would otherwise fall through the gaps, due to the lack of quality, affordable mental health care & wellness services.
We Value Excellence…We exemplify the highest performance standards, service provision, and evidence-based best-practices, enabling us to exceed expectations.
We Value Respect…For those we serve, with whom we work and with whom we partner.
We Value Professionalism…It is offered with an attitude of gratitude to the families and communities we are entrusted to serve.
Copyright © I AM ABLE Center for Family Development, Inc. All rights reserved.